Writing 201 is an introductory course in the basic conventions and expectations of college essay writing. Students write essays in response to assigned readings from a range of college-level texts. The course covers how to state and support a thesis, develop unified and coherent supporting paragraphs, organize the various parts of an essay, and write clear and effective sentences. The course also introduces students to critical reading, reasoning, and writing.

This blog is a resource for instructors of Writing 201 at Irvine Valley College.

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You can also contact the blog's editor, Professor Lisa Alvarez, at lalvarez@ivc.edu

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Writing Conference

Concurrent enrollment in WR 280 is required for students in WR 201.  The instruction writing students receive in Writing center through WR 280 helps guide them to greater success in WR 201. Instructors in the writing center do not "edit" student work but take the time to review the assignment, discuss a particular issue (or two), review the draft  and direct the student.

In order to facilitate participation in WR 280 and to document student conferences, classroom instructors often develop forms like those below to assist their students - and the writing conference instructors.

Here are two sample forms for you to review and use as you wish.  One is general while the other is more  assignment specific. One is a single sheet while the other is two-sided.  Finally, notice that one instructor requires TWO conferences for the first assignment  and the other instructor requires an evaluation of the conference.

Instructors often post these conference sheets in Blackboard for the students to download as necessary.

Writing 280, Writing Conference
Learning to Read and Write Writing Assignment

This sheet must be completed and submitted with your final essay.

You must confer with an English instructor in the Writing Conference at least twice during the composition of this essay.  When you go to the Humanities Center for your conference, take with you your assignment sheet, all other pertinent handouts, and your writing in progress.  Make absolutely sure that the conference instructor understands your assignment, listen carefully to the instructor’s feedback and advice, ask questions, and remember to thank the instructor.

Each missed signature will subtract 10% from your final grade on this assignment.

First Draft Conference (must be completed no later than Friday, September 18)

Instructor’s Name                                             Instructor’s Signature & Date

What did you discuss with the instructor?

What do you need to focus on to turn your first draft into a polished final draft?

Final Draft Conference (must be completed no later than Friday, September 25)

Instructor’s Name                                             Instructor’s Signature & Date

What did you discuss with the instructor?

What changes can be made to improve your final draft?

Writing Center Conference Form                   Writing Conference Instructor: ________________
Writing 201/WR 280                                       Writing Conference Instructor’s Initials _________
Fall 2012                                                         Date and time of your visit: ___________________
  • The Writing Center Conference Form MUST be complete in order for you to receive credit for your visit.  If you do not meet with a writing instructor and complete this sheet, your final essay will be returned to you, ungraded.
  • The Writing Center Sheet must be completed before the class session in which the essay is due.  The conference must be held so that you have enough time to incorporate the suggestions and guidance given.  If the conference time is judged to be insufficient, the final essay will be returned, ungraded.

Please complete this side BEFORE visiting the Writing Center
1.  At which stage of your writing process are you currently working (prewriting, rough draft, etc)?

2.  What (specifically) is working well for you at this stage of your writing? 

3.  What (specifically) are you having trouble with?  

4.  What would you like to discuss in your writing conference?  

5.  Create one specific, open-ended question for your writing conference instructor.  

Please complete this side AFTER your Writing Center Conference
1.  Write a short summary of your visit with the writing instructor.  How did the instructor help you?  What specific techniques or tips did he or she offer in response to your questions? 

2.  Evaluate the overall effectiveness of your conference.

 3. Will you schedule another conference for the essay is due?  Why or why not?


Here is Michelle Gray Mattoon's writing conference sheet:

Writing 280 Conference: Formal Essay # _____

Your Name _________________

Date of your conference: ______ WR 280 Instructor’s Name____________________________

WR 280 Instructor’s signature: _____________________________

For each question, write thorough responses and explanations.
Before you talk with a WR 280 instructor:

1.    Briefly summarize the Writing Prompt for the Formal Essay:

2.    If you already have one, state your thesis:

3.    Prepare three questions to ask so that the WR 180 instructor can help you as you complete your formal essay.

Question 1:

Question 2:

Question 3:

After the conference:

4.    Explain in detail how you plan to incorporate those suggestions and comments as you revise your essay.

Answer to Question 1:

Answer to Question 2:

Answer to Question 3:

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