Writing 201 is an introductory course in the basic conventions and expectations of college essay writing. Students write essays in response to assigned readings from a range of college-level texts. The course covers how to state and support a thesis, develop unified and coherent supporting paragraphs, organize the various parts of an essay, and write clear and effective sentences. The course also introduces students to critical reading, reasoning, and writing.

This blog is a resource for instructors of Writing 201 at Irvine Valley College.

To participate in the blog, leave your comments below.

You can also contact the blog's editor, Professor Lisa Alvarez, at lalvarez@ivc.edu

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Typical First Assignment: Personal Narrative

Often Writing 201 is taught in a series of take-home and in-class assignments which move from the "personal' to the "academic" essay.  The number of formal assignments vary from 4-6 with some instructors opting for a portfolio option (more on that later).

The first assignment is often a narrative which relies upon assigned readings as models.  It seems helpful to offer these beginning students more direction here rather than less - and many instructors opt for shaping or directing the subject choice by specific theme or focus.

Here is an example of Summer Serpas' first assignment:

Essay 1: An Educational Memoir

Please write an approximately 3 page essay (minimum of 2 full pages) containing at least 5 paragraphs in response to the following prompt:

In all of the essays we read for this assignment, “The Grapes of Mrs. Rath” by Steven Mockensturm and “The Thrill of Victory…The Agony of Parents” by Jennifer Schwind-Pawlak, the authors describe memories of times when they learned important lessons, both in school and in their lives outside of school. For this assignment, you will be writing about a specific memory of a time when you learned an important lesson. In your essay, you should provide the necessary background information, clearly explain the specific experience, and analyze the deeper lesson that you learned from that experience. In your explanation of your experience, make sure to use descriptive details that help make your experience come alive for your readers. In analyzing your memory, make sure you deeply analyze the lesson you have learned from your experience. Remember that you are not writing a diary entry about what happened to you; you are sharing an experience and its deeper meaning in order to connect with your readers and create meaning for them.
It's worth noting that the first draft submitted for peer review is due on one Tuesday -and the final draft due the following Tuesday - which suggest a drafting period of approximately three weeks.  The assignment is influenced by the assigned reading - but does not yet incorporate quotations from them.  The desired length is between  two and three pages.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Typical First Assignment: Description

Here is a first assignment  that Lewis Long uses in WR 201. Notice how he breaks it down into two parts.  This is the first part. The assignment is two pages in length and requires a clear descriptive thesis statement at the beginning.

First writing assignment, part 1Context: One essential function of writing is to get your readers to see things as you do. This does not always mean that they should share your opinions, but often that you try to get them to adopt your point of view, or way of seeing, so that they see objects in the same way that you see them. A particularly vivid and detailed description that creates for your reader a mental image of what you see is one effective way to do that. But presenting an image to others is not the only purpose of a written description. Often, the very act of writing about an object helps the writer to see it more clearly as well. It is only when you are faced with the necessity of translating a thing into language so that you can show it to someone else that you really begin to see it.

Assignment: In a typed, double-spaced essay of about two pages, choose and describe a thing. You may choose an object with special significance to you, or just something that’s convenient, but your goal is not to describe the memories associated with the object, or the object’s sentimental value, but to describe the physical object in as much detail as you can. Paint a word picture of your object for your reader. Your description should create a detailed, multi-sensory image that allows your reader to experience your object as you have, and persuades your reader to see the object as you do. The object you choose to describe has to be a real, actual object, not an abstract idea of an object: for example, if you choose to describe a rose, you must find and study one, specific real rose—rather than roses in general—and show how this rose is colored, how it reflects the light, how it is shaped, etc. You should not choose too abstract objects, such as the ocean, or too complex objects, such as cars, rooms, stereos, calculators, cellular phones, or computers. Also, you should not choose a photograph or collection of photographs, since a photograph is both a thing, and contains other things, and the description of both will be too difficult in the space you have. Your object should be simple enough that you can describe it in detail in about two pages.

Suggestions: This assignment is not as simple as it may seem, and it would not be a good idea to take it too lightly. Choose your object carefully, so that it has enough detail to produce a full description, but don’t choose anything that’s too complex to describe in one page. You need to describe your object as vividly as possible—using concrete and specific language, invoking multiple senses and drawing vivid comparisons—so that the reader is able to visualize the thing you have chosen. You do not need to make your reader guess what your object is, so be sure to identify it early in the description.

I would suggest you start by simply examining your chosen object very closely for an extended period of time, from as many different angles and in as many different ways as possible, noting details in a list as you observe them. Sit down with your object in front of you and write as many different things about it as you can. What does it look like? What color is it? Is it bright? dull? reflective? What is its texture? Is it soft or hard? wet or dry? smooth or rough? spongy or rubbery? What is its shape? Is it made up of different parts? Is it symmetrical and balanced, or awkward? Is it heavy or light? Does it have a smell? a taste? What kind of activity does it suggest? You do not have to answer all of these questions, but you can use them as a guide to the kind of detail you should be representing to your reader. You might also discover some ideas and helpful similes or metaphors through brainstorming and freewriting sessions. Does its appearance remind you of anything that might help create its image in your reader’s mind? Let your mind go free, and even come up with weird stuff. You don’t have to use it all, but it might give you some interesting ideas.

After you have as many ideas as you can come up with, sit down and start to organize them into related groups, which you can use to construct paragraphs. We will discuss organizational methods in detail in class. Once you have organized the details of your description, you can begin to put them into coherent paragraphs, which you can then organize into an essay.
Your goal in this essay is not to make your reader guess what your object is. Begin your essay by naming the object you’re describing in a clear, descriptive thesis statement. Your audience for this paper is made up of your classmates, and you are writing a paper to describe your image to them.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Typical First Assignment: Description plus

Here is Sarah Bereiter's first assignment.  This asisgnment has elemnts of personal narrative, description and analysis.  She offers her students three options from which to choose.  She also presents a specific format for students to follow as they draft their essays.

ESSAY ASSIGNMENT 1: Identity Essay – Exploring our Experiences and Ourselves


In the readings “Hair,” “Burls,” and “Prince,” we see that every individual has a unique identity that is influenced by a variety of experiences, knowledge, people, places, objects, etc.

For our first formal essay assignment you will be writing a descriptive essay that says something about your identity. For the focus of this essay, you may choose from one of the following three options:

1) Discuss, analyze and describe an object or place and its personal meaning or connection with you. For example, you could relate your car to your sense of freedom or write about a vacation spot you visited when you were young that reminds you of innocence.

2) Discuss, analyze, and describe an element of your identity and how it affects your larger identity/life. For example, if you identify yourself as a soccer player, does it make you a team player and open to collaborative work in other environments?

3) Discuss, analyze, and describe a significant moment in your life and how it has affected you or the course of your life.

Though you will be using yourself as the subject of this essay, remember that your essay should have a specific purpose and you should use concise and concrete language that is appropriate for an academic audience. As you write your essay, consider using various rhetorical strategies, such as description, narration, analysis, etc.

Organization: Your essay should consist of at least 6 paragraphs. 

Introduction Paragraph: Your introduction should be engaging and encourage your reader to want to continue reading. It should establish the focus of your essay in a clear and effective manner (without summarizing the essay).

Body Paragraphs: Each body paragraph should include a specific sub-topic of your overall topic. Be sure that your paragraphs thoroughly explain your experience and flow together logically.

Conclusion Paragraph: In your final paragraph, be sure to emphasize the significance of your essay topic.

Length: 3-4 pgs


Typical First Assignment: Analysis

Here is Carrie Goulding's first assignment which is, like others, relatively brief (three pages).  She has her students focus immediately on analysis, using a series of directed exercises (also included here) which help build the essay.


Due dates: 

First Draft:  Friday, September 18

Final Draft:  Friday, September 25

Page requirement:  3 pages, 1 inch margins, double spaced, 12 point font

Format:  In top left corner of the first page please type the following information (single spaced):


                        Section #:


                        Essay Title:


In “Learning How to Read and Write” Douglass expresses his belief that education will set him free.  Would Malcolm X agree with this statement? 

Write a 4-5 paragraph essay responding to the above question.  Support your answer by citing to specific examples from both texts.

Prewriting Assignments:

1:  Due September 9 (work on in class)

Assignment:   Both Douglass and Malcolm X have a new perspective on life after learning how to read and write.  This perspective is both positive and negative.

Write one paragraph that explains in specific detail Frederick Douglass’s new perspective after learning how to read and write.  Describe what Douglass did to arrive at this new perspective. 

Write a second paragraph that explains in specific detail Malcolm X’s new perspective after learning how to read and write.  Describe what Malcolm X did to arrive at this new perspective.

Write a third paragraph comparing Malcolm X’s perspective on his life after learning

how to read with Frederick Douglass’s perspective on life after learning how to read.  Discuss how each perspective was similar and how it was different.

2:  Due September 14 (complete before you come to class)


Write a thesis statement that answers the following question:  Would Malcolm X agree with Frederick Douglass that education set him free?  Include a “because” in your sentence that explains your conclusion and a roadmap of the two or three main supporting points for your thesis.

Essay Template

Follow this outline as you write your first draft.

Paragraph 1—Introduction:

·         Two to three sentences that introduce the subject of your essay, including complete and correct names for the authors and works you are writing about. 

·         A thesis statement that includes a “because” and a roadmap of two or three supporting ideas. 

o   Example: 

§  Malcolm X would not agree with Frederick Douglass that education set him free because _(supporting point #1), (supporting point #2), and (supporting point #3).

 Paragraph 2—Supporting Point 1:

 ·         Begin with a topic sentence that restates supporting point #1 and also provides a “because” for supporting point #1. 

o   Example from text that supports point #1

o   Explain how this example supports point #1

o   Another example from text that supports point #1

o   Explain how this example supports point #1

·         Concluding sentence that summarizes point #1 and provides a bridge to the next paragraph.

Paragraph 3—Supporting Point 2:

·         Begin with a topic sentence that restates supporting point #2 and also provides a “because” for supporting point #2.

o   Example from text that supports point #2

o   Explain how this example supports point #2

o   Another example from text that supports point #2

o   Explain how this example supports point #2

·         Concluding sentence that summarizes point #2 and provides a bridge to the next paragraph.

Paragraph 4—Supporting Point 3:

·         Begin with a topic sentence that restates supporting point #3 and also provides a “because” for supporting point #3.

o   Example from text that supports point #3

o   Explain how this example supports point #3

o   Another example from text that supports point #3

o   Explain how this example supports point #3

·         Concluding sentence that summarizes point #3 and provides a bridge to the next paragraph.

Paragraph 5—Conclusion:

·         3 sentences (at least) that restate your thesis and provide a recommendation.

The Writing Conference

Concurrent enrollment in WR 280 is required for students in WR 201.  The instruction writing students receive in Writing center through WR 280 helps guide them to greater success in WR 201. Instructors in the writing center do not "edit" student work but take the time to review the assignment, discuss a particular issue (or two), review the draft  and direct the student.

In order to facilitate participation in WR 280 and to document student conferences, classroom instructors often develop forms like those below to assist their students - and the writing conference instructors.

Here are two sample forms for you to review and use as you wish.  One is general while the other is more  assignment specific. One is a single sheet while the other is two-sided.  Finally, notice that one instructor requires TWO conferences for the first assignment  and the other instructor requires an evaluation of the conference.

Instructors often post these conference sheets in Blackboard for the students to download as necessary.

Writing 280, Writing Conference
Learning to Read and Write Writing Assignment

This sheet must be completed and submitted with your final essay.

You must confer with an English instructor in the Writing Conference at least twice during the composition of this essay.  When you go to the Humanities Center for your conference, take with you your assignment sheet, all other pertinent handouts, and your writing in progress.  Make absolutely sure that the conference instructor understands your assignment, listen carefully to the instructor’s feedback and advice, ask questions, and remember to thank the instructor.

Each missed signature will subtract 10% from your final grade on this assignment.

First Draft Conference (must be completed no later than Friday, September 18)

Instructor’s Name                                             Instructor’s Signature & Date

What did you discuss with the instructor?

What do you need to focus on to turn your first draft into a polished final draft?

Final Draft Conference (must be completed no later than Friday, September 25)

Instructor’s Name                                             Instructor’s Signature & Date

What did you discuss with the instructor?

What changes can be made to improve your final draft?

Writing Center Conference Form                   Writing Conference Instructor: ________________
Writing 201/WR 280                                       Writing Conference Instructor’s Initials _________
Fall 2012                                                         Date and time of your visit: ___________________
  • The Writing Center Conference Form MUST be complete in order for you to receive credit for your visit.  If you do not meet with a writing instructor and complete this sheet, your final essay will be returned to you, ungraded.
  • The Writing Center Sheet must be completed before the class session in which the essay is due.  The conference must be held so that you have enough time to incorporate the suggestions and guidance given.  If the conference time is judged to be insufficient, the final essay will be returned, ungraded.

Please complete this side BEFORE visiting the Writing Center
1.  At which stage of your writing process are you currently working (prewriting, rough draft, etc)?

2.  What (specifically) is working well for you at this stage of your writing? 

3.  What (specifically) are you having trouble with?  

4.  What would you like to discuss in your writing conference?  

5.  Create one specific, open-ended question for your writing conference instructor.  

Please complete this side AFTER your Writing Center Conference
1.  Write a short summary of your visit with the writing instructor.  How did the instructor help you?  What specific techniques or tips did he or she offer in response to your questions? 

2.  Evaluate the overall effectiveness of your conference.

 3. Will you schedule another conference for the essay is due?  Why or why not?


Here is Michelle Gray Mattoon's writing conference sheet:

Writing 280 Conference: Formal Essay # _____

Your Name _________________

Date of your conference: ______ WR 280 Instructor’s Name____________________________

WR 280 Instructor’s signature: _____________________________

For each question, write thorough responses and explanations.
Before you talk with a WR 280 instructor:

1.    Briefly summarize the Writing Prompt for the Formal Essay:

2.    If you already have one, state your thesis:

3.    Prepare three questions to ask so that the WR 180 instructor can help you as you complete your formal essay.

Question 1:

Question 2:

Question 3:

After the conference:

4.    Explain in detail how you plan to incorporate those suggestions and comments as you revise your essay.

Answer to Question 1:

Answer to Question 2:

Answer to Question 3:

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Grading Rubrics

Some instructors develop and use a grading rubric not only to guide their own evaluation of student work and to maintain standards, but to share with the students.  Some of these rubrics are adapted to specific assignments while others are more general and resemble the one used for the departmental diagnostic.

My experience is that students are receptive to these rubrics and fine them more valuable perhaps than the lengthy end notes I once wrote.  I still write in the margins on a final draft and often include a short narrative note - but I use a rubric now on which which I highlight the student's achievement.

Here is Sarah Bereiter's grading rubric for her first assignment. 

  Irvine Valley College, WR 201
Evaluation of Writing – Grading Rubric for Essay 1

Author: _________________________ Assignment: ____  Date: _____

Writing Outcomes
1.     Effectively, creatively, and successfully addresses the prompt.
Very Good
2.     Maintains a strong focus on the thesis throughout the essay.
Very Good
Development, Support, and Organization
3.     Reveals evidence of critical and creative thinking.
Very Good
4.     Supports the main idea through effective use of details, explanation of assertions, and description.
Very Good
5.     Presents ideas in a clear and logical order. 
Very Good
6.     Uses transitions effectively to connect sentences and paragraphs.
Very Good
Readability, Style, and Format
7.     Contains few spelling, syntax, word-usage or punctuation errors.
Very Good
8.     Uses a tone that is appropriate to the audience and to the writing task, and strives to have an original voice.
Very Good
9.     Demonstrates strong command of language, and vocabulary is appropriate for college-level writing.
Very Good
Overall Evaluation
Very Good

Here is another approach to a grading rubric used by Carrie Goulding:




Does the paper have a thesis that states the subject of the essay, a clear perspective on that subject, and provides a roadmap for the rest of the essay? (20 points)

Does the thesis (and the rest of the essay) respond directly to the assignment, which asks “Does Malcolm X in ‘Learning How to Read’ agree with Frederick Douglass that education will set him free”?  (20 points)

Do the supporting paragraphs begin with a signpost and include specific, well chosen examples that support the thesis well? (30 points)

Does the writer explain why each example supports the thesis?  (20 points)

Does the writer use a front door opener?
(10 points)

Has the writer completed all the prewriting and workshop activities?  (-10 points if not completed)

Does the writer have both signatures from the writing center?  (-10% for each missing signature)

Grade breakdown:  95-100 points=A, 90-94=A-, 86-89=B+, 83-85=B, 80-82=B-, 76-79=C+, 73-75=C, 70-72=C-, 66-69=D+, 63-65=D, 60-62=D-, 59 and below=F. 

If you decide to revise this essay, your revision is due a week after you receive your graded essay, at the beginning of class.  I will average this grade with your revised grade.  I would highly recommend taking this sheet with your essay to the writing center for review before you begin working on your revision.